Saturday, March 31, 2018

Easter 2018

Crossposted from my FB profile

Easter upon us! We celebrate tomorrow at Easter Sunday Breakfast at Eastminster with breakfast, song (GREAT songs!), and worship (10:30am). The days in between Good Friday and Easter, however, is when I roll ideas around in my head. The first part of my long running Dress Cycle was conceived at this time, and I did a rewrite and draft of the 2nd part during last Easter season. I'm thinking about the 3rd part, about whether to continue the stories, or to change them somehow. Transformation is one of the major parts of my artistic identity. I want to use my skills to transform, to illustrate how transformations can happen. The story of life turning into death, and turning back into life and beyond is one of the greatest transformations I know. The third story was going to be about something relating to First Nations, Métis, or Inuit, but many of those stories are not mine to tell. I wanted to come up with a way to talk respectfully about people and how they transform, but also remain true to my artistic goals. That's what I'm thinking about today. Peace be with you.

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